Ultimately, its the consumer's perception of the brand that matters most and as a marketing veteran and resident consumer myself, I wanted to share my opinion on some of the current efforts that work and some that drop the ball.
The Mayhem DIY campaign is hilarious and attention-getting at the same time. While we have heard ad nauseum about house, car, and medical insurance from Flo, a lizard, cavemen, etc,, how many of us DIYers actually thought our own wannabe construction efforts pose a real hazard? Sure I have some duct taped wiring in my home (220 or 221, whatever it takes) but I never realized that it could be a real issue in terms of liability.
In these Allstate spots, Mayhem (played by former FX's Rescue Me actor Dean Winters) describes real peoples' DIY nightmare stories and encourages you to vote for the best one. Allstate will then have a reenactment during the Super Bowl. I subscribe that a campaign needs to have a creative story and a memorable hook or twist to cut through the clutter. These spots do and as a fun little twist, users who register can win the DIYer's tools so they never fix or build anything again. Clever.
Its an interesting twist on boring insurance commercials and overall, its refreshing and works.
Check out the sweepstakes page here.
And for more info on the insurance provider's other sponsorship efforts, click here.
Speaking of Allstate, the Allstate Sugar Bowl stunt was also a very eye-catching effort. Showcasing how thieves (and Mayhem) can utilize your social media posts to gain insight to rob you while you are tweeting away at the big game, they went in and "sold" all of the contents of an unsuspecting victim's house while they were out. The campaign utilized social and viral tactics to garner views and with +20M Facebook impressions within a day, I'd classify this as a very buzz-worthy success.
For more, check out this link.

I don't want to be the old codger who rains on everyone's parade. I used to say that if you don't approve of content that isn't kid friendly, don't have your kid watch. But there are some areas where I believe big advertisers like Pfizer are being irresponsible and crossing the line.
The Viagra ads run during the football season feature the attractive female discussing ... well, you know. I understand football is the ideal target marketing for men interested in sexual issues (feel free to drop in your own Dallas Cowboys' offense is impotent joke here) but lots of kids, including my 9-year-old son watch religiously.
Its bad enough when they speak in code (using the term ED) but I can play that off as one of the many pharma ads run on TV that frankly none of us even know what illness they are used for. But lately, Viagra has become less subtle and uses terms like "Erectile Dysfunction" and "Erection" now. My son looks more confused than Eli Manning being blitzed and its only a matter of time that an innocent day of talking football turns into "the talk".
Perhaps the FCC or other governing bodies need to regulate when those ads are run or what they can do to dilute the terminology? I'd appreciate it if the sexy lady on the bed doesn't make my son question the ad beyond "Dad, her jersey is blank so which team does she root for?"
Forbes has brought this up in past articles and its something we should address. I'd love to hear your thoughts so feel free to add your comments.
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