Last night I attended a mixer for Entertainment professionals in Santa Monica and spoke about
"The Surfer's Guide To Marketing" As the presenter for the session, I was able to reveal some of my tips and tactics that have served me well across my career. Along with explaining some of my favorite case studies, we were able to have a productive conversation to address issues and opportunities in the world of Entertainment.

The group discussion included a significant amount of time on social media and how networks and studios tend to produce the same, ineffective strategies that garner flat results. In
"The Surfer's Guide To Marketing" I encourage marketers to create a relevant story, provide continuous and dynamic content, and reward loyal followers. Simply providing basic facts to the followers and community that has an affinity for your brand isn't going to grow your business. It's imperative that you give this ideal market the utmost attention as they've already bought into your brand and thrive on innovative or novel information.

With Facebook's "Suggested Posts" (a finely worded term for advertisers) there is now a non-organic element to users' pages. Ads that pop up and earn an impression by simply being on your browser when you log on to Facebook at that time are going to dilute the messages you are attempting to communicate. We concluded that its imperative more than ever with these distractions to bring interesting content to the table. New character details, images, or even "cutting room floor" content that has never been viewed can become vehicles to drive your followers. Give them what they want and your brand will be rewarded.
I was personally thrilled with the chance to discuss my career and marketing experience and meet some great future innovators. The creative, passionate audience in attendance was more than gracious and we concluded the evening signing a few copies of
"The Surfer's Guide To Marketing!"
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