Randy Rovegno has over two decades of successful
marketing experience working on brands including ESPN, ABC, Upper Deck, and more. As an avid surfer and former stand-up comedian, Rovegno speaks to various university classes about marketing strategy, real-world case studies, and navigating today’s marketing landscape utilizing his unique portfolio, experience, and humor to motivate tomorrow’s marketing minds.
After stints in various CPG and consumer marketing groups and in a key role with a boutique agency that he quickly developed into a multi-million dollar business, he founded LONGBOARD Marketing in 2008 because nothing spells success like a start-up in the worst economy in twenty years.
As a creative executive challenged with developing novel and successful campaigns for the most dynamic, savvy sports and entertainment clients in the world, Rovegno must constantly utilize the perennial “outside the box” thinking, creativity, and unorthodox tactics to drive the products or brands he works with. It is based on the various challenges and successes from his award-winning career that motivated him to write this book and demonstrate some of the favorite tricks of the trade.
Its ironic that the author who makes at least 500 surfing references might just be the worst surfer in the ocean. With a surfing resume that includes multiple trips to the ER, more time held under the waves than kelp, and a style that has earned him the nickname the “Yeti from the Jetty” it is a foregone conclusion that what he lacks in surfing ability, he makes up for in proven marketing success.